3 Important Reasons Why Email Marketing is AMAZING for Affiliate Marketing!
I have made most of my income online with affiliate marketing and it’s one of the best ways to start also doing business online.
In short, affiliate marketing means that you earn a commission by promoting someone else’s product online.
You will earn a commission when someone clicks your link and purchases a product later on after clicking your link.
If you are a complete beginner with affiliate marketing, I will leave you some resources below this video that I have created for you to understand the basics on how it works.
There are a lot of benefits of affiliate marketing.
1. You don’t need basically any money to get started.
2. If we simplify things a little bit, the only thing thing that you need to do is basically to leave a link and get people to click it.
However, I didn’t achieve success with affiliate marketing immediately because I made some mistakes when I was starting out.
I started achieving more success once I started doing email marketing.
There are 2 reasons for that:
1. An average customer needs 5-8 touchpoint before they buy. But if they only visit your website, they may not want to buy right away.
When you get an email address, they’re more likely to buy if you follow up well.
2. Let’s say that they buy a product you recommend.
Still, the company that you recommended gets the email address and all the information about the customer.
However, if a person first joins to your email list, you may provide more products and support to him instead of just one.
Another thing is that if they are using some product that gives you monthly recurring commissions. By staying in touch with those customer regularly by email, you will increase the chances that they’ll continue as a paying customer for a longer time.